There are three bands known to have used this name. 1. 2013 - Present: Rock band from London, England.
Band Members: Alex Davies (Vocals/guitar), Dan Mount (Bass), Bob Barrett (Drums)
Following the hiatus of the band Elliot Minor, frontman Alex went on to form a new band.
Their first single ‘Sweet Dynamite’ was released via PledgeMusic in January 2013. 2. Spirits (Slovenia) also known as "Night Spirits" are a grunge rock group from Izola (Slovenia), active in the 90's. They released his first and only album "Zemljin Krik" (Earth's Scream) in 1999.
Autre Ne Veut
"Autre Ne Veut ('I want no other') was inscribed on the back of a gold and garnet hat ornament (ca. 1475) found at Hanley Castle in Worcestershire. It is rumored to be the gift of an English Duke to his French mistress, but this is simply conjecture." - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City www.autreneveut.com
Blackbird Blackbird
Blackbird Blackbird is an electro psych-pop band from San Francisco. 23-year old producer/multi-intrumentalist Mikey Maramag is a Filipino-American electronic musician who started Blackbird Blackbird after studying Literature and American History at UC Santa Cruz. Blackbird Blackbird released a slew of EPs in 2010, including "Happy High" and "Let's Move on Together". In Summer 2010, Blackbird Blackbird released their first LP "Summer Heart", which is a compilation of the first two EPs in addition to five additional tracks (including the hit single "Hawaii"...
Slow Magic
Slow magic is the sound made by an unknown imaginary friend. http://slowmagic.bandcamp.com/
Youth Lagoon
The dreamy, reverb-laden outlet of songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Trevor Powers (Boise, ID), sharing his emotions in every drop of his music, leaving no room for any sort of privacy. The debut album, The Year of Hibernation, is eight lush arrangements that capture a deep sense of yearning. Powers' influences include baroque-pop artist Chris Garneau, Cocteau Twins, as well as folk artists such as Townes Van Zandt.
Small Black
Small Black is an emerging band from Brooklyn, New York. Their self-titled full length album will be out this fall. They describe their music on their myspace as "Acousmatic / Tape music / Concrete / Pop." Their blog is here: www.myspace.com/smallblacksounds
Cow Parade Cow
Cow Parade Cow began as the solo recording project of 22 year old Mike Litton, born from the thriving Perth music scene in Western Australia. His first release was the full album-length "To the North" (2010) which was initially only intended as a collection of CD-Rs to be shared among friends. However, after a series of international blogs stumbled across the bandcamp website, a larger audience was found.
North Bay
Oxford based ambient music man. http://www.facebook.com/pages/North-Bay/102173159907074
John Jagos began recording under the name Brothertiger in Toledo, OH during the summer of 2009. He began recording electronic music in 2006 as Monoteque, an experimental project characterized by tribal beats and pulsing synthesizers. Influenced heavily by the electronic sound of Brian Eno and M83, along with the experimental characteristics of Animal Collective, Caribou, and Yeasayer, Jagos recorded many tracks throughout the final half of 2009. After he released the Apache Feathers EP on the Modicum of Silence net-label, he soon began work on the Vision Tunnels EP.