deep house | Musicosity

deep house

Barbara Tucker

Ms. Barbara Tucker was raised in full energy in good old Brooklyn, New York. Raised in the church and still attending is where Ms. Tucker found her love for singing, as well as having a little help from her entertainer Father Jayotis Washington of the well-known group The Persuasions. As an actress, Ms. Tucker has performed in various off-Broadway plays which allowed her to receive the "T.O.R." award through the American Theater for actors for most promising actress with distinguishing artiste. As a dancer, Ms.

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There's at least 3 artist using this name: 1) Real Name: Rabih Beaini
Profile: Morphosis has been on the lebanese musical scene since 1990 selecting and playing music in small clubs and on radio since the age of 14. In 1996 he moved to Italy and had the chance to improve his studio production skills. After many releases under other aliases, he started his own imprint Morphine Records in 2005, releasing the first ep on it, “Hunting”. URLs:

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Chris Carrier

Chris Carrier: There are two kinds of DJs: those whose goal is to make a name for themselves and those whose goal is to make music - and let the rest follow. Parisian Chris Carrier is among the latter. For more than a dozen years he's been an underground icon, churning out more than one-hundred records and remixes for a host of labels including Adult Only, Catwash, Brique Rouge, Get Physical, Ghostly, Supplement Facts and many more. Too busy working to chase a spot in the limelight, Carrier is nevertheless rightly revered as one of the most gifted, prolific producers on the dance scene.

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Julie McKnight

Born in 1972 in Pottstown, PA, Julie McKnight is a daughter of a Seventh-Day Adventist Minister. Julie's musical influences begins with her mother Saundra Brooks, who performed at the age of 19 at the Apollo Theatre in New York City after being coerced by her father, Norris Turney, a multi-reed player and member of Duke Ellington's Orchestra. Aretha Franklin may have won that night but Saundra Brooks brought the house down with her rendition of "What A Wonderful World." As the old adage says, "The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree."

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Knee Deep

Sebastian Döring (AKA Superbird) started his career as a remixer and producer under the name of TBA. Together with Daniel Klein (AKA Gucciman), in the late 90's they formed a first successful project: Kiez Kidz, named as a hint of the city of Hamburg where they produced. At the same time, Sebastian Döring and Torsten Freese (AKA Toddie) met in the club life of Hamburg and both together started the Knee Deep partnership.

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Lovebirds is the solo project of Hamburg resident Sebastian ‘Basti’ Doering. Following 3 excellent singles on the much-respected Winding Road Records label, Lovebirds is big news right now. Labels such as Freerange and Buzzin Fly are hot on his heels, eager to sign his tracks. The first Lovebirds release appeared on Trax of Interest in . In 2006, having built up a repertoire of unsigned material, he sent a CD to John Buckby, label owner of Winding Road Records and a mutual friend of Vincenzo.

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