sicialian artists, the reson for their name The Waines was cause of a sicilian man triying to tell them in english that they were the number one (sorry if the information is not correct)
sicialian artists, the reson for their name The Waines was cause of a sicilian man triying to tell them in english that they were the number one (sorry if the information is not correct)
Italian doomsters. Solid walls of psychoholic sludge.
The Foreshadowing rushed themselves into the abyss of the world in the fall of 2005. The idea takes its origins away back in 1997 by a load of necropolitan fragments of music picked up by Alessandro Pace (aka Alex Vega with Dope Stars Inc., ex Klimt 1918 & Spiritual Front), founder of the band. His friends Andrea Chiodetti (guitar player of Grimness and ex Spiritual Front) and Francesco Sosto (keyboard player, ex Spiritual Front and Klimt 1918 sessionman) joined him soon.
Luigi Nono (29 January 1924 - 8 May 1990) was an Italian composer. He studied at the Venice Conservatoire where he became acquainted with serialism. (He married Arnold Schönberg's daughter Nuria in 1955). He became a leading composer of instrumental and electronic music. In 1950, he attended the "Ferienkurse für neue Musik" in Darmstadt, where he met composers such as Edgard Varèse and Karlheinz Stockhausen. Works from this first period include: Polifonica-Monodica-Ritmica (1951), Epitaffio per Federico García Lorca (1952-1953), La victoire de Guernica (1954) and Liebeslied (1954).
The project, born at the beginning of 2008, is a product of the collaboration between .:I.S.K:. (Alex), from Portugal and .:V.P.G:. (Valentina), from Italy. The band started in January 2008, and featured a song ("Neurological Chronic Condition") in Italian Body Music compilation just a few months after its birth, and some months later, featured "Emergency SEX" on Extreme Women in the Dark Future compilation. In the latter part of 2008, the band participated in a song from C-Lekktor's critically aclaimed The Silence Procession CD ("Empty Sou"l).
Crookers on Myspace
Crookers on Facebook
Crookers on Ilike Drawing from influences of house, hip hop and beyond, Crookers blend their beats with the kind of fidget house finesse that gives Potty Mouth Music its soiled swagger. Since 2003, DJs Phra and Bot have been drawing upon their collective musical backgrounds to create tracks that twist, startle and surprise with synthetic pop. Before their collaboration as Crookers, Bot and Phra pursued their music interests on a separate tip. Bot took up the piano and guitar at an early age, later moving onto synths, turntables and sequencers.
There is more than one artist with this name. 1) Spectra, pseudonym of Claudio Maioli, is an Italian musician, famous for his song "Ken il guerriero", Italian opening theme for Fist of the North Star. 2) Spectra is an electronic music group from Portugal. Their sound is specific, original and at times experimental and can be described as melodic morning trance.
With climatic melodies, dynamic bass lines and an overriding positive atmosphere Spectra display the talents they posses. They can be described in two words, 'Beyond Belief'.