devotional | Musicosity



gyenyame /jin-yami/ Its name the ancient adinkra of Ghana, its meaning 'only God'. Its words from the world's great spiritual traditions, its sounds from the classical traditions of Iran, the rhythms of Africa and its fusion with the West. Its mission to make the mystical real, its destination unity. In its search for a more chilled out existence, join gyenyame on their journey into the mystery. gyenyame are:

Joyce-Efia: vocals, keyboards
Amelia Samuel: vocals, santour
Anthony Harmer: vocals, guitars, santour, bass

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Faiz Ali Faiz

Faiz Ali Faiz (born 1962 in Sharaqpur, Pakistan) is one of the main singers of , a devotional musical expression of the Sufis, a mystical offshoot of Islam. Faiz Ali Faiz comes from a family of qawwals from seven generations in Pakistan. He started his professional career in 1978, at age 16, creating at the same time his own qawwali ensemble. Though Faiz is from Lahore, he practices the doaba style from eastern Pakistan. He stated in recent interviews he has been influenced by Sham-Chaurasi, a famous Khayal singing school where Ustad Salamat Ali Khan belongs to.

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Bird People

There are songs by (at least) two artists to be found on this page: - the Swedish indie dance/pop band Bird People (e.g. "Smiling", "Pygmalion") - the Austrian psychedelic/drone band Bird People (a.k.a. Telepathic Transmission from the Ancient Mystery Cult of Bird People). Bird People is the main musical outlet of Feathered Coyote Records founder Uli Rois.

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