garage | Musicosity


California X

Though California X's cartwheeling, low-end-friendly noise has drawn quick comparisons to Dinosaur Jr. (also, it should be repeated, of Amherst, Mass.), lead vocalist Lemmy Gurtowsky shares little in common with J Mascis. Not a whiner or a wailer, the Happy Valley trio's frontman is, like his band's self-titled debut full-length, direct in a way that recalls Bob Mould and Steve Brooks of Torche instead.

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King Khan and the Shrines

King Khan and the Shrines, sometimes referred to as King Khan and (His) Sensational Shrines or The Supreme Genius of King Khan and His Sensational Shrines are a Berlin-based garage rock and psychedelic soul band. Founded in 1999 by the twenty-two year old King Khan, formerly of Canadian garage rock outfits The Spaceshits (where he operated under the pseudonym Blacksnake) and Kukamongas. The band is noted for its impressive stage antics.

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The Factory

There are several artist go by or have gone by the name, The Factory: 1) "Why don't you come and see us play" said a group of young musicians to BRIAN CARROLL at a summer party back in 1967. The FACTORY were three boys from Surrey in England at the height of Jimi Hendrix and the whole flower power fantasy of the summer of love. Through the haze of cities covered in smoke from a generation that was expanding their minds came thousands of groups and musicians waiting for the break that would take them from a seedy club to a recording contract.

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The Flaming Stars

The Flaming Stars are a garage band. That's garage as in loud guitars, valve amps, cheap electric organ and trashcan drums. They play live in the studio, live on the radio and live on stage. Formed in December 1994, they have regularly filled venues such as The Garage, and the LA2, and venues around the country, as well as playing sell-out tours around Europe, Japan and the US.

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The Milkshakes

It all started at a Jam concert sometime in 1977. There, big Russ Wilkins first met Billy Childish and asked him if he wanted to sing in his group which was to become The Pop Rivets. Their first gig was September 1977. They went on to release two LP's and an EP before splitting up in 1980. Mickey Hampshire and Banana Bertie were Pop Rivets Roadies---They had a band called Micky and the Milkshakes who'd occasionally supported the Rivets, playing a set of mainly punk covers, somethimes with Billy joining them on rhythm guitar.

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The Ettes

There are, at least, two artists named The Ettes: 1) A Los Angeles band (formed 2004), influenced by early punk, beat bands & country music. 2) A three-piece all-girl punk band from Edinburgh, Scotland, formed in April 1979. They played eleven gigs, supporting Another Pretty Face, The Visitors, Shake and The Exploited, and also recorded a five track demo for Fast Product. They played their final gig on 22nd September 1979.

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Russell and the Wolves

Rockabilly garage punk from the North of England, formed in early 2008 after DJing a burlesque/garage club together. The members are (Russell) Gray Wolf - Vocals, Ned 'Heulen' Hogan - Guitar, Danielle Velterelle - Guitar and Great Scot - Drums. At their debut gig, supporting Zombina and The Skeletones , they were thrown out of venue for their live anitcs, spitting blood and covering the mic in lipstick. Since then the bands that they have supported and subsequently eaten include; Lord Auch , The Chapman Family and Bob Log III .

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