garage | Musicosity


Tim Andresen

To say that Tim Andresen is one of Scandinavia's leading DJs is almost an understatement. Considered the busiest and most influential man in Danish house music, Tim Andresen is now well established as a producer, remixer, promoter, label owner and one of just a few successful DJs out of Scandinavia with truly international reach. He forms one half of Professional Losers signed to Norman Cook

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The Pinecone Kids

The Pinecone Kids were born this year and with downs syndrome. As a result they go around asking people if they would like to buy pinecones. Straight outta east London gutters they play gritty grungey noisy madness, but also soft soothing sonnets of ambience. Essentially, the Pinecone Kids are a clan, a consortium, and they will infect you with their Pinecone insanity. The Pinecone Kids on Soundcloud

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the fallen leaves

THE FALLEN LEAVES Their long-held belief that a good idea played badly is better than a bad idea played well, spurred them into action. “That’s right”, they confirm. The Reverend Rob Green (singer) built himself a reputation at Bernie Rhodes’ legendary Club Left.
Rob Symmons (guitar) was the founding member of the original and true version of the Subway Sect.
Gareth Mountbatten Evans (bass) The Prellies.
Ian O'Sullivan (drums) The Aardvarks.

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The Dadds

Formés en 2002, les Dadds pratiquent un rock garage férocement 60's dans lequel se mélangent voluptueusement le groove du rhythm' n' blues anglais, l'efficacité mélodique de la pop éternelle et l'énergie du punk originel. Les chansons "So Frenchy" de nos cinq élégants modernes laissent également transparaître l'influence plus contemporaine du rock indépendant de ces dernières décennies.

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