Born in 2004, THUNDERTALE today is one the most productive metal bands in Lithuania
Born in 2004, THUNDERTALE today is one the most productive metal bands in Lithuania
Persivadinkit dainos tag'us ? Gytis Paškevi?ius. Dainininkas Gytis Paškevi?ius gim? 1961 metais spalio 4 dien?
There are 3 artists with this name: 1. An experimental lo-fi 2-piece from Baltimore, MD
2 The acoustic project of Pennsylvania singer/songwriter Fredric Oakman of Meadville, PA
3. WEEKENDS susikūrė 2001-aisiais Ukmergėje, o jau 2002 m. “Radiocentro” apdovanojimuose jie buvo nominuoti apdovanojimui “Geriausios roko grupės” kategorijoje. Per tuos metus Kornas, Marius ir Ignas sugrojo kelis šimtus koncertų miestų šventėse, studentų festivaliuose ir klubuose.
A household name in Lithuania, Andrius Mamontovas has been charming audiences with his recipe of melancholic rock for two decades now. A crowd of 60 000 gathered to witness the last show of his now legendary band Foje in 1997 and his ongoing solo career is impressive. Getting his umpteenth gong at Bravo awards (Lithuanian equivalent of Grammy) has become a routine for Lithuania's biggest and most charismatic rock star who is also carving a career path as a music producer and actor (playing the main...