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The Angels

There are three artists with this name
1. An Australian rock band
2. An American girl group best known for "My Boyfriend's Back", a #1 hit in the United States in 1963
3. An American R&B group
none of these are to be confused with any of the artists called Angels, without the definite article. (1) The Angels (Australia) USA as Angel City (1980-1985), The Angels from Angel City (1988-1989), The Angels (1992). In November 1970, brothers Rick and John Brewster formed The Moonshine Jug and String Band. In 1971 the band was joined by Irish immigrant Bernard "Doc" Neeson.

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Amy Obenski

Amy’s fourth album, Grow to Catch the Wind (2011), takes her mul­ti­lay­ered sound to new lev­els. A string quar­tet, lay­ered har­monies, and howl­ing cello solos all join with her sig­na­ture soar­ing vocals, piano and gui­tar. Amy’s lyri­cal con­fes­sions pierce through the sonic com­plex­ity, per­haps more than ever. The album, her most brave and hon­est work yet, is the cul­mi­na­tion of sev­eral years of soul-searching, a cycle of death and rebirth.

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