grindcore | Musicosity



There are eight artists by the name of Vex. 1) Vex hailed from South East London / north west kent area and formed in the very early eighties, the 'Sanctuary' 12" and 'It's no crime' on the Mortarhate compalation 'Who?What?Why?When?Where?' were their only releases.
Sanctuary was issued on Fight Back, a sublabel of Mortarhate, run by the people of Conflict. Vex also played gigs with Conflict, so they were more associated with the anarchist punk scene than the Batcave fair. But contrary to most anarcho-punk bands from that time, they were not influenced by CRASS or Conflict.

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There are twelve different artists under this name: 1. Catharsis was an band from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, releasing their albums through the CrimethInc. collective. Their singer, Brian, was editor of the political fanzine Inside Front and later went on with other ex-members of Catharsis to form the band Requiem. 2. Catharsis was a French band who released albums during the 1970's. Their first album, "Masq" (1971), was a mixture of formless chanting, hypnotic melodies, prominent percussion, Arabic styles, and experimental songcraft.

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There are many bands with the name Anguish. These include: 1. A Swedish doom metal band influenced by Candlemass. Released their debut album Through the Archdemon's Head on Dark Descent Records in early 2012. 2. A 5-piece deathcore band from the North-West coast of Tasmania formed in 2009 influenced by the likes of The Red Shore, Whitechapel and Thy Art Is Murder. After releasing numerous demos Anguish have just released their debut EP Absolutist.

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2-piece noisegrind from sydney, australia. formed 2008
9 track demo 2009
13 track digipak CD "i am become" 2010
9-track mini-CD EP 2011 - available through mathias huxley - throat, strings, samples;
muzz - blasts

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Homebase of Groove Goregrindformation Rompeprop is Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Starting as a threesome; Jores du True (drums), Dirty Dr. Dente (guitar) and Steven Smegma (gargling) wanted to create the kinda music they love the most; partygroovin goregrind with sick downtuned vomit vocals. Inspired by Utopie, Gut, Impetigo, Haemorrhage and N.C.C. they had their first try out in 1999, but it really started of after they found bassplayer Micheil the Menstrual Mummy at the Fuck The Commerce Fest 2001.

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