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Odd Crew

Odd Crew are groove/southern metal band, formed by long-time friends Vassil Raykov (Vocals), Vassil Parvanovski (Guitar), Martin Stoyanov (Bass) and Boyan ”Bonzy” Georgiev (Drums) in Sofia, Bulgaria. The band was formed in 1998, when all of the members were 12 years old, except for Bonzy, who was only 8. Following a longtime musical career, the four of them recorded 3 albums under the name of "Kaskadiori" , with each album marking a definitive change in style from the blues-orientated hard rock of the first to the more heavy/sludge metal sound, explored in the most recent recordings.

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Eleventh He Reaches London

Proudly not duking the stats since 2002. "Their music takes you on a very long walk, punctuated by storms and lulls. Towards that distant land whose name is Australia." ( ) Eleventh He Reaches London hail from Perth, Western Australia; a vast area of land separated from the rest of the country by an expanse of desert. This isolation has afforded Eleventh the luxury of being able to grow organically, independent of trends often present in larger communities.

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Campus are a post-hardcore band from Tessenderlo, Belgium. Bandmembers:
Martijn Leenaers - Vocals
Tijs Mondelaers - Guitar
Fabrice Parent - Guitar
Tuur Geeraerts - Bass guitar
Josse Wijckmans - Drums Releases:
This Time I Scream For More (2005) (EP)
Inside The Mind Of A Serial Killer (2007) (EP)
We Are The Silence (2008)
Oh, Comely! (2010) Since their debut "We are the silence" CAMPUS has been around non-stop. The band did a great job touring all over Europe including some of the biggest festivals and support shows for major bands.

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There are more than one artist with the name Cortez: 1. a Swiss post-hardcore band
2. a tech-house duo 1. The configuration in which Cortez evolves is quite unusual: drums, guitar, vocals and no bass. Yes, no bass - or at least no bass player. It's a real technical achievement, enough to destroy anything standing in their way. This Swiss trio plays a (straightforward) post hardcore (noise) that is direct, heavy, atmospheric violent and which will please fans of either KNUT, BOTCH or CULT OF LUNA. Even if their music remains aggressive, it's still charged with emotions and intensity.

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Girl Afraid Please note! The bandname GIRL AFRAID may refer to two bands. The band from Windsor full of dudes playing hardcore-pop and having far too much fun is still going strong. Basically - male vocals, yay. Female vocals, nay. Enjoy :). Girl Afraid is an English rock n roll quintet from Berkshire, England. Most of the members first met while they were high school age playing in various bands, including Aussie Roadster and Naked in Black, the latter achieving local success with the debut EP “Tell Everyone What You Saw Tonight”.

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