Vinicius Cantuária
Vinicius Cantuária is a brazilian singer-songwriter. His musical style can be seen a mixture of bossanova, jazz and electronic influences. For more details see the Vinicius Cantuária homepage.
Earl Okin
Earl Okin (31st January 1947) is a London singer-songwriter, musician and comedian with a long international career. Born in Carshalton, Surrey, he has lived in Notting Hill since he was 5 years old, holds a degree in Philosophy from the University of Kent at Canterbury (1968) and worked as a schoolmaster for 11 years before going 'full time'. He was signed to the same company as The Beatles in 1966 and recorded his first single at Abbey Road in 1967.
Vox Populi
There are a few bands recognized by this name: Serbian hardcore punk, Irish post-kraut instrumental, Ukrainian rock, Italian electronic, American psychobilly and Norwegian punk band. If you're listening to experimental French band, fix your tags to Vox Populi!. If you're listening to bossa nova Brazilian band, fix your tags to Vox Popüli. 1. Vox Populi, a Serbian hardcore punk group from Belgrade. They began playing in the summer of 1994.
Para Portugues ver abaixo Tupiniquin - from the English Oxford dictionary means simply: a Brazilian. Made in São Paulo his debut album dares sharing a diverse array of sounds out of the largest cultural urban centre in the southern hemisphere. In it, just like in São Paulo itself one can hear rock, afro-samba canção, bossa beats and the sounds of the "Tropicalistas". Like different races and tastes, colors and textures present in his city...