polish doom metal | Musicosity

polish doom metal

Evil Twin

There are 3 bands and one Game with the name Evil Twin. 1) Evil Twin (Seattle, USA) Hard Rock / Punk influenced band from Seattle. Signed to Flotation Records in 2006. Main release: Radio Salvation (2007). (http://www.eviltwinrocks.com) 2) Evil Twin (Poland) Death Metal. Releases include To Your God (1999), An Erotic (2002), Villian (2003), and Dying Art of the Human (2004). (http://www.eviltwin.prv.pl) 3) Evil Twin (UK)

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Blindead was founded in Gdynia, Poland in 1999 by Michal Zimorski (Zima) - bass and Mateusz Smierzchalski (Havoc) - guitar. Few months later, Marek Zielinski (Deadman) - guitar, Konrad Ciesielski - drums and Patryk Adamczyk - vocals, joined the band. It was a casual project made for pleasure rather than a professional band. Besides, in the same time, Havoc became the guitarist of Behemoth and it was his priority.

Read more about Blindead on Last.fm.

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