screamo - emo violence | Musicosity

screamo - emo violence

Circle Takes the Square

Circle Takes the Square (often abbreviated CTTS) is a band from Savannah, Georgia, USA. The band formed in 2001 as a four-piece and after their first two releases they lost a guitarist but gained another in late 2004. What listeners tend to notice first about the band is the loud screaming of both male and female vocals that often function in a kind of call and response. Skillful, chaotic drumming coupled with intense, highly technical bass/guitar work have served to separate the band from most others in the screamo genre.

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There are at least six bands called Orchid:
1. A hardcore band from Amherst, Massachusetts
2. A doom metal band from San Francisco, California
3. An indie-pop band Poznan, Poland
4. A rock band from Halifax, Nova Scotia
5. an alias of Alexander Tooth
6. a "post-prog" band from Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
1. Active from 1998 to 2002, Orchid was first and foremost a hardcore band. Orchid combined a post-modern aesthetic with hardcore punk...

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