Black Death Thrash Metal | Musicosity

Black Death Thrash Metal

Gospel of the Horns

Gospel of the Horns formed in Brisbane, Australia, in '93 and in late '94 they released their cult demo The Satanist's Dream. It gathered great responses, which in turn led to a deal with the incompetent Einstand Records to press the demo on CD. Not only was the layout incorrect, they also placed a photo of a different band in the booklet... To this day, the band urge no-one to purchase this CD as this label does not warrant your money.

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Goatwhore is a blackened death metal band from the swamps of New Orleans, LA. They were formed by well known musicians from the Louisiana metal scene. They first came together in 1996/97 when Sammy Duet (former Acid Bath/Crowbar guitarist) and Zak Nolan (former drummer of Goatwhore, now replaced by Zack Simmons) jammed together as a little sideproject when Acid Bath was taking a break. They soon made some four track demos.

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Kill For Satan

Kill For Satan comprises members from well known and respected Australian metal acts (Armoured Angel, Psychrist, Exceed). KFS formed in 2002 initially as a cover band playing tribute to classic eighties thrash bands such as Slayer, Exodus, Bathory, Venom, Dark Angel, Sodom, Kreator, Celtic Frost, Hellhammer, Destruction and many more. As a natural progression, KFS began writing original material in early 2004 for their first release. Thy Kingdom Undone features seven tracks of the Metal of Death in the vein of the bands they had previously paid homage to.

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