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satanic war


Archgoat is a Finnish black/death metal band formed in 1989. Their initial period of activity was between 1989 and 1993, when they released two demos - "Jesus Spawn " and "Penis Perversor " - and an EP titled "Angelcunt (Tales of Desecration) ". They split up until about 2005 when an old recording was released as the "Angelslaying Black Fucking Metal " EP. Since their reformation they have released two full-length albums, "Whore of Bethlehem " in 2006, "The Light-Devouring Darkness " in 2009...

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Gospel of the Horns

Gospel of the Horns formed in Brisbane, Australia, in '93 and in late '94 they released their cult demo The Satanist's Dream. It gathered great responses, which in turn led to a deal with the incompetent Einstand Records to press the demo on CD. Not only was the layout incorrect, they also placed a photo of a different band in the booklet... To this day, the band urge no-one to purchase this CD as this label does not warrant your money.

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Destruktor was formed in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia in 1995 by Glenn and Jarro, out of the ashes of their previous band "Aphasia" their genre can be catagorised with death metal, black metal and thrash metal, Making it Blackened Deathrash! the first Destruktor demo “the holy trinity… denied” (1997) consisted of 3 tracks of high energy black metal, with much higher pitched shrieking vocals as opposed to the more typical death metal growls of their latter material. Shortly after the release of this demo the band would recruit Regan on bass duties.

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Nocturnal Graves

Nocturnal Graves were a band from Victoria, Australia. Formed in 2004, the band includes/has included members of influential Australian bands such as Deströyer 666, Gospel of the Horns and Hobbs' Angel of Death. After a number of demos, Nocturnal Graves signed to Nuclear War Now! Productions and released their debut full length 'Satan's Cross' in 2007. The band split up in September 2010.

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