jpunk | Musicosity


Star Club

THE STAR CLUB, one of Japan's first punk bands, were formed in Nagoya, Japan in April of 1977. They continue to perform and record to this day. The band has constantly had a rotating line up with singer Hikage being the one constant. However, the current line up has been with him for the past 4 years. Their work ethic is unmatched in that they usually release a new record/CD a year and and constantly tour.
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Bleach is the name of more than one band; There is a blistering all-girl Japanese rock trio, an American rock group (see below), as well as a British group (see below). They all redirect here. == Bleach (JP) == Bleach (alternatively called Bleach03 or Bleachmobile) was an all-female punk trio from Okinawa, Japan. The members included, Kanna on guitar and vocals, Miya on bass and Sayuri on drums. Kanna was the primary lyricist. Citing artistic differences, Bleach disbanded on June 10, 2009, less than a month before the release of their final album "bleach stone."

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RANK, die Urväter des alpenländischen Multi-Kreudrüber, werden 1993 von den vier Wiener Jungspunden Thi F, G.U.B.Y, Zod und rub-a-dub gegründet. Als gleichzeitig sportlichste Band der Republik gewinnen sie zum Auftakt die beiden Um-Die-Wette-Rock-Bewerbe PopODrom und AustrianBandContest.
Mit ihrem leichtfüßigen Mix aus Gerocke, Gepoppe & Gerappe, sowie dem unüberlegten Einsatz von Offbeat, Computerknöpfen und Fantasieverbalismen entzückt die Band ihr Publikum in mehr als hundert Shows (davon dreißig in Deutschland).

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