occult black metal | Musicosity

occult black metal


There is more than one Unclean.
1. The Unclean were a punk/Oi! band from Detroit Michigan in the late 80's and early 90's. They frequently played shows with bands such as Rival and The Rogues 2. Unclean is a Czech black metal band founded in 1993. They recorded a two-song promo tape the same year and played several gigs in the Czech Republic in 1994 and 1995. In 1995 they released their second demo titled "Tam kdesi v hlubinách" which included 5 songs of occult black/death metal in the Czech style established by bands like Master's Hammer, Amon and Root.

Read more about Unclean on Last.fm.

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At least two bands call themselves Mare: one was a progressive sludge band from Oakville/Burlington, Canada, the other is a black metal band from Trondheim, Norway. 1) Mare from Oakville/Burlington was a band orchestrated primarily by frontman Tyler Semrick-Palmateer, previously on vocal duty for tech-metal outfit The End. In a unique mixture of , and and other textures that defy immediate genres or categorization...

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Mortuary Drape

It's 1986 when Mortuary Drape are founded by the aim of the central core of three people, one of which is still in the group (Wildness Perversion).
Musical and inspirational trends that inspired the founders are 'black metal' with an esoteric-necromantic current both for the lyrics and for the stage design impact: they decided to baptize their style as 'black-occult metal'.
In 1987 they publish 'Necromancy', the first demo tape that gets a great response in the most intransigent underground scene, a demo that as time goes by became an authentic cult for the lovers of this genre.

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Nazxul is a band from Sydney, Australia. The group was formed in 1993 by guitarist Adrian Henderson, keyboards player/guitarist Lachlan Mitchell, former Mortal Sin and Slaughter Lord drummer Steve Hughes and Dalibor Backovic on vocals and bass. A demo appeared the following year and with the addition of guitarist Greg Morelli from Sydney thrash band Grungeon. Nazxul began work on an album called Totem that was released in 1996. Originally envisioned as a mysterious studio-bound project, the group only appeared in publicity photos as shadowy figures or draped facelessly in cloaks.

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