40s | Musicosity


Louise Parker

Growing up in a house filled with music, from the folk, calypso and opera enjoyed by her Jamaican born mother to the trad, swing and be-bop from her jazz-obsessed father, Louise Parker, aptly named after Louis Armstrong, was born to create the sort of soulful jazz she is rapidly gaining a reputation for. A big hit on the festival circuit and a regular on Radio 2’s Best of Jazz, British vocalist, Louise Parker is a powerful live performer and a skilful interpreter of swing, blues and gospel classics. She commits to each song with the warmth, spirit and passion of the great jazz divas.

Read more about Louise Parker on Last.fm.

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Bernard Herrmann

Bernard Herrmann (June 29, 1911 – December 24, 1975) was an American composer noted for his work in motion pictures. In over forty scores Bernard Herrmann[ enriched the work of such directors as Orson Welles (Citizen Kane), Alfred Hitchcock (North By Northwest, Vertigo, Psycho, Marnie etc.), Francois Truffaut (Fahrenheit 451), and Martin Scorsese (Taxi Driver). From his first film (Citizen Kane) to his last (Taxi Driver)...

Read more about Bernard Herrmann on Last.fm.

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Alfred Newman

Alfred Newman (March 17, 1900 – February 17, 1970), was a major American composer of music for films. In 1939, Newman began a twenty-one year career as music director for 20th Century-Fox Studios. He composed the familiar fanfare which accompanies the studio logo at the beginning of Fox's productions. At Fox, he also developed what came to be known as the Newman System, a means of synchronising the performance and recording of a musical score with the film. The system is still in use today.

Read more about Alfred Newman on Last.fm.

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