slovak | Musicosity



Cobweb is the most prominent and consistent rock band of Nepal. In 1993, this band from Patan released their first album “Anjaan” which showcased their heavy metal and classic rock influences. Their live shows have always been full of energy and true showmanship.

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There two bands with this name: 1) História skupiny Editor sa dá rozdeliť na tri etapy.
Prvou etapou je obdobie od vzniku skupiny v roku 1988 až do roku 1993. Počas tohoto obdobia skupina vydala štyri demo kazety a jej tvorba sa dala jednoznačne zaradiť do thrash metalovej škatuľky.
Druhou etapou je obdobie od roku 1994, kedy skupine vychádza prvý oficiálne vydaný album "Shut Up!", na ktorom sa skupina predstavuje už nielen vo svojej typickej thrash metalovej podobe, ale svoju hudbu obohacuje aj o prvky hardcoru a punku.

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AMC Trio

AMC TRIO ( exists for more than 12 years. For the years of its existance it became well known all over Slovakia and abroad as well. The trio has its own repertoire which consists of originals and rearanged standards. It is successfully played at different concerts. Performing at the concerts is the trio's main job. Besides playing its own repertoir the trio also focused on accompanying various soloist, players or singers. It is able to play a big range of styles which makes the trio wanted by soloists who want to have a good band behind.

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The Elements

There are several artists known as The Elements:
1. The Elements was an 80's band formed in Keighley, West Yorkshire. In December 1982. The Elements evolved into the post-punk/goth group Skeletal Family ( 2. a four-piece from Birmingham formed in 2001. They are an indie band heavily influenced by rock 'n' roll. They have toured the UK supporting such artists as Paul Weller and The Bluetones. 3. Christian hard-rock/prog metal band from Slovakia. They've released two albums so far, Out of the Dark and Inner Fight for Freedom.

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1) Kontinuum Icelandic Ambient Metal
Kontinuum started as the brainchild of Birgir Thorgeirsson, a founding and current member of dark metal act Potentiam. The seed of Kontinuum started way back in 2001 when Birgir teamed up with former Potentiam drummer Kristjan Heidarsson to record an EP called Burned and Battered under the band name Pornea. This was an experimental metal project mixing doom with punk and dark atmospheric metal.

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There are several artists using this name: 1) B3 is an American boyband from New York who reached in Germany the largest popularity. The band split in December 2004.
Recording history:
* First (18. Solders 2002)
* N. Y. B3 (24. March 2003)
* N. Y. B3 Special Edition (17. November 2003)
* Living for the Weekend (27. September 2004) 2) B3 is a Serbian band which was popular in the '90s. 3) B3 ( is a Slovak pop band with various members —
Peter Graus, Tomáš Zubák, Ivan Hirländer and Marián Kachút (on some albums with a female singer — Tina)

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There are currently 3 bands/artists on LastFM with the title 'Ears'. Read on to find the one you are interested in. Ears from Slovakia:
Ears are Slovak musicians with passion for bright cyborgs. The music is at the edge of electro-alternative and electro-pop. The band was founded in 1993 by Filip Orator and Silverman. It has distinguished lyrics, electronic sounds and distinctive Orator's vocal. They wrote 3 albums so far. Debut called pEARSing was released in 2001 by Sony Music.

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IMT Smile

IMT Smile is Slovak music group.
História skupiny Názov kapely je zložený z iniciálok Táslerovcov. Neskôr sa k nim pridal Mirov spolužiak z kozervatória, Peter Bič (gitara). Po niekoľkých koncertoch a nahratých skladbách sa skupina rozpadla. Svoje prvé demo nahrali Ivan s Mirom v roku 1993. Boli to nahrávky zhudobnených humorných textov Ľubomíra Feldeka. Na nahrávaní s Táslerovcami spolupracoval bubeník Martin Migaš. Niekoľko mesiacov nato sa Miro Tásler s Petrom Bičom znovu pokúsili o nahrávky dvoch Ivanom naspievaných skladieb.

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