Frankfurt | Musicosity



Among many other artists who used "Twin" as a moniker, Twin are: 1) rock duo Betsy Kwo and Rachel Carns. They released a split-EP with Mikaela's Fiend on S.A.F. Records in 2007. 2) experimental electronic trio Brendan Murray, Howard Stelzer and Jason Talbot 3) house trio Fredrik Eriksson, Joachim Persson and Niclas Molinder. In 1999 they released "Star Wars Theme (The Force)" on Detective Records. However, among the majority of filesharing users it is known as an Aphex Twin hoax.

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Kabuki is the name of more than one artist: 1) A veteran DJ of Germany's drum & bass scene and high-profile producer. Brought up as a classical guitarist, studying composition and abandoning everything for the thrill of electronic music. Co-founder of the label Precision Breakbeat Research in Frankfurt. Except for music ranging from Steve Reich to John Barry, Kabuki's heart belongs to the Asian cinema and martial arts. No wonder he chose Japan's flamboyant Kabuki theatre style as DJ alias.

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There are 5 bands with the name Velveteen 1: A band from London formed in 2012 combining post-punk, surf and shoegaze sensibilities. Sun-kissed music and melody. Velveteen released their debut 'Wasteland EP' towards the end of 2012. 2: A four piece indie rock band from /Germany. In April 2008, the band's album Home Waters was used as an april's fools joke by the manager of Moving Mountains, telling it's a leaked version of Death Cab for Cutie's new album, Narrow Stairs. The joke was pretty much successful due to the band's similar sound.

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