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Dee Dee Bridgewater

Dee Dee Bridgewater (b. May 27, 1950) is an American Jazz singer. She is a two-time Grammy Award Winner, Tony Award Winner and Host of NPR's Syndicated Radio show "JazzSet with Dee Dee Bridgewater". She is a United Nations Ambassador for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Born Denise Eileen Garrett in Memphis, Tennessee, she grew up in Flint, Michigan. Her father, Matthew Garrett, was a jazz trumpeter and teacher at Manassas High School, and through his playing, Denise was exposed to jazz early on.

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There have been multiple artsts with this name: 1) A solo project from Saint Petersburg, Russia
2) A new-wave pop band from Jūrmala, Latvia, existing around the very early 1990s
1) Parks is solo project of composer and musician from Saint Petersburg, Russia Igor Bystrov. Igor was born at Krasnodar, Russia in 1964. He learned in musical school, then in Sochi Musical College and Rostov Conservatory on Estrada class. At the moment Igor is living at Saint Petersburg.

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