romanian black metal | Musicosity

romanian black metal


There are at least 11 bands/individuals with the name Grim. 1. GRIM is the Japanese power-electronics project of Jun Konagaya (formerly of White Hospital), which formed some time in the 80s. Also known as The Howling Of Himalaya. Discography:
1985 - Field Work Of Em'pire (Cass, C30)
1985 - Amaterasu (7")
1986 - Folk Music (LP, Ltd)
1987 - Message (12")
1999 - The Past Is Still In Current Use (CD comp. / Drag & Drop Industrial)

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Negura Bunget

This is an incorrect tag for Negură Bunget. Negură Bunget is a black metal band from Timişoara, Romania. The name is taken from archaic Romanian meaning 'Forest in the Mist'.
They combine Romanian history and folklore into a mystical adventure, quite literally inspired by their homeland, Transylvania. Formed in 1995 by Hupogrammos Disciple's (vocals, guitar, keyboards) and Negru (drums, xylophone) under the name Wiccan Rede, the group recorded their first demo...

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About Dordeduh To start understanding the essence of the band is to first delineate the two Romanian words that its name is composed of: “dor” and “duh”. Having a deep, unique meaning in Romanian, “dor” is thought to be untranslatable in any other language using only one word, its sense being of “longing/yearning for something”, “missing something”. It can be something palpable, well-known and familiar (a place, a person, a taste) but it can also be a nostalgic feeling brought up by something vaguely known, dwelling in an old chamber of one’s soul.

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