23 seconds | Musicosity

23 seconds

T Bird

T Bird a.k.a. Tim Crane is the gravel-voiced front-man of criminally underexposed Texan heavy funk and soul outfit T Bird & The Breaks who released their debut album Learn About it in 2009. The band have dropped a number of breaks-heavy funk nuggets since Learn About It

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nordloef takes his background in punk rock bands and his love for electronic music to create melodic, upbeat pop songs while at the same time squeezing out as much music as possible from the limited hardware of the Game Boy. nordloef has played at Blip Festival in New York and Scandinavia’s biggest chiptune festival. He's been on a mini tour around the UK together with the British chiptune artist We Are the Future and has played at all kinds of shows ranging from secret clubs in farms to techno parties in forests.

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Emerald Park

Emerald Park was formed in Malmo, Sweden in 2001. After 2 years on the demostage, EP released the full-lenght album "Sadness Within". Since then, the band has taken several leaps in different directions, mainly forward. From being stuck in the down-to-earth alt.country/folk/rock category, the musical spectra now comprises a great deal of the band members own musical influences, that stretches back from 80:s postpunk to 00:s Canadian indie.

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Crystal Clear

There are at least 7 different Bands or Artists that go by the name: Crystal Clear 1. Swedish indie/techno artist Jesper Larsson, found on the quality netlabel www.23seconds.org More info: www.myspace.com/crystalclear23 2. Sussex-based producer and DJ Remixer Andy Haeffele. Style: Drum & Bass / Electronica / Breakbeat. More info: www.myspace.com/crystalcleardubs 3. The project "Crystal Clear" is Ami (Amiel) mazrafi from hadera israel.

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