New band of the day | Musicosity

New band of the day


1. Gaps, born Ricardo Tejeda, is not your quintessential rapper. Raised in a multiracial household, in the infamous Sistrunk area of Fort Lauderdale, FL, during the 90s, he quickly found a passion for Hip Hop. Honing his skills, and using his background from a lower-middle class working family, he released his first album, “Primitive Slob”, in 2005. Driven by personal experiences and beliefs, this album was a highly emotional record, with deep political undertones. This garnered Gaps accolades as a rapper and opened doors for performances and collaborations.

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Sam Beeton

Coming from a large extended family of "musicalists" and singers, most of my junior was spent bearing witness to the songs, the harmony and the real adventures that singin" and strummin" could afford. So before long and long before the Government felt it was time for me to be properly educated - I already had been; because around about this time, The Beatles came along like a gale force wind blowing past a news stand, flicking through every page along the way.

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Joel Compass

Joel Compass is a singer, songwriter and a producer from London, UK. The 20 year old Londoner’s debut track “Back To Me” had over 30,000 SoundCloud plays and 150,000 YouTube views in just one week, getting radio play from tastemaker DJ’s on BBC Radio 1, a 1 Xtra playlisting and attracting coverage on Hypebeast, Clash, The Hunger and The Guardian to name a few. In September, Joel will release his 4-track debut EP, “Astronaut”, via Black Butter.

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The Winchell Riots

Out of the ashes of the much-missed Fell City Girl, Oxford-based 4 piece The Winchell Riots have had a pretty explosive beginning. Their debut Oxford show sold out well in advance such was the hype, their second show at Truck Festival saw over 800 people pack into the Barn Stage to watch their set, and their third show saw the band tear apart Manchester's In The City showcase conference. Things move quickly in the world of The Winchell Riots.

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the mummers

The Mummers are a band based in the English seaside town of Brighton, centred around London-born singer-songwriter Raissa Khan-Panni. They take their name 'Mummers' from the medieval performing troupes who would go from door-to-door wearing masks and costumes, staging plays in rhyme and song and mime.
Khan-Panni was once better known as Raissa, a solo artist that revealed a jumble of influences; a mix of Chinese, Indian, Mexican and Englishness.

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Chris Grant

There are two artists named Chris Grant. October 2008
Please Note -
Last FM at present are unable to distinguish between 2 artists with the same name
Last FM are trying to resolve this problem & until they do - The Artist Chris Grant hailing from SE England in the UK has now changed only his Last FM name to Chris Grant UK by notification to Last FM in writing & registration with Last FM together with the necessay management change to avoid artist name duplication & associated problems

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Artist Type: 

Night Works

Gabriel Stebbing's new project takes inspiration from Whitest Boy Alive, Prefab Sprout and Prince and takes you on a conceptual voyage through societies destructive misgivings. Sound a bit too deep? Well fear not, as it’s a record that we guarantee you’ll be playing throughout the long summer nights ahead when the party hits full swing. His debut album will be out at the end of this year.

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Stubborn Heart

What's so good?
So this has been sold as being for “fans of the three Js” – James Blake, Jamie xx and Jamie Woon. Needless to say, I was immediately interested. But which J does this mysterious London producer sound most like? At first, I was inclined to say Woon, the soulful vocals carried by a bassy melodic tune. As the song progressed, though, my view switched to Blake, with the interference and spacing bringing him to mind. By the end, I thought Jamie xx, as deep bass cut in and the drum pattern started to sound more and more garage-esque.

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These kindly gents are being touted as the UK’s answer to The Wknd. Although Seasfire seems to parade on the more “indie” side of the fence rather than RnB or soul. That being said there is such a depth to their music one genre doesn’t really seem to do them justice, and judging by their older tracks on their soundcloud, they don’t like to stick to one sound either. The guys are still pretty young in the grand scheme of things.

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