apocalyptic crust | Musicosity

apocalyptic crust


Hellshock is a Crust Punk band from Portland, Oregon that was formed in 2000. They combine a brand of "Dark" Crust Punk with Hardcore Punk, and Thrash Metal. Lyrically, the band writes almost exclusively about war. The five-piece has ex-members of Remains of the Day, Atrocious Madness, From Ashes Rise, and Detestation. The band is still active today.

Hellshock on Last.fm.

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Nuclear Death Terror

Nuclear Death Terror is a anarcho-crust punk band from Copenhagen, Denmark.
They have released a demo tape, a full length LP and a 7" on Plaguebearer Records.
Their lyrics deal with topics such as capitalism, war, anarchism and drug abuse.
The band has spoken out for filesharing after CAH records sold their mp3s without telling them. Their entire discography is available from www.nuclear-death-terror.com for free.
The band is strongly connected to the Ungdomshuset in Copenhagen.

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Morne was a concept that began with many trials and tribulations. The band was founded by Milosz Gassan in 2005, and while there were many interested individuals in making the project happen, only one lineup had the dedication and passion to make the band a reality. In 2007, Milosz was joined by Max Furst (bass) and Kevin Adams (drums) and it was here where Morne began to create and develop the band's distinct sound heard today.

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