J Majik & Wickaman
J Majik & Wickaman are Drum and Bass producers (real names: Jamie Spratling & Andy Parsons). They are the proud creators of the only drum and bass number one single ever: Crazy World
Bladerunner was a live only project, no official studio recording exists. The line-up was:
John Zorn
Bill Laswell
Fred Frith
Dave Lombardo
Edinburgh Samba School
Xample & Lomax
Mutated Forms
Making music began as a hobby for the trio of producers / djs known as Mutated Forms hailing from Estonia. Original members Alexander (Zub) and Artiom (G-ruff) (3 rd member Alex H - joined the crew in 2004)started experimenting with different genres of electronic music using any and all software they could find. It was at the beginning of 2004 when MF's tunes first began appearing on various drum and bass CD-compilations.