guitar instrumental | Musicosity

guitar instrumental


Andrew "Koji" Shiraki might best be known around the world for his activism/social justice work centered around achieving peace in central and east Africa, specifically working to end the LRA's use of child soldiers in the war torn northern region of Uganda. Through advocating on behalf of organizations like Invisible Children ( and The Resolve (, Shiraki has played countless benefit concerts, but more importantly, has taken to the streets by organizing for Invisible Children's 100 city demonstration last April...

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Al Di Meola

Al Di Meola's highly celebrated career has spanned a wide range of emotions into a unique style embodying the artists world inspired influences. From the velocity and heat of his early solo efforts to the challenge and triumph of the "Di Meola / McLaughlin / De Lucia (Guitar Trio)", from the Brazilian explorations of "Cielo e Terra" and "Soaring Through A Dream" to the global romanticism and Tango inflection of Al's acoustic group "World Synfonia" (self titled debut) and the 2nd "World Sinfonia" recording Heart of the Immigrants.

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