Polish blues rock band lead by Sebastian Riedel (the son of Ryszard Riedel of Dżem fame).
Polish blues rock band lead by Sebastian Riedel (the son of Ryszard Riedel of Dżem fame).
Polish hardcore/metal band active since 1994. Original lineup: Litza (Acid Drinkers, 2TM2,3, Kazik na Żywo) Ślimak (Acid Drinkers), Guzik (Ndingue, Homosapiens), Hrap-luck, Jahnz.
There are several artists known as SAKURA... 1. SAKURA - Russian indie rock band from Moscow. Official Site: 2. SAKURA - Azeri creative grunge band. Site related: 3. SAKURA - Experimental gothic band reigning from Ireland. Site: 4. SAKURA - former teenage rock band from the Isle of Man (c 2003). Released ep Feeding From The Fruits Of The Sakura Tree. Singer now in Swound!