Rosie Ledet
One of a small handful of women in Zydeco, this Louisiana native
One of a small handful of women in Zydeco, this Louisiana native
Musselwhite was born in the rural hill country of Mississippi. He has said that he is of Choctaw descent, and he was born in a region originally inhabited by the Choctaw. However, in a 2005 interview, he said his mother had told him he was actually Cherokee. His family considered it normal to play music, with his father playing guitar and harmonica, his mother playing piano, and a relative who was a one-man band. At the age of three, Musselwhite moved to Memphis, Tennessee.
Corey Harris (born February 21, 1969, Denver, Colorado) is a guitarist based in New Orleans on the Alligator label. He spent some time in western Africa studying, and rhythms from this area are very prevalent in his music, most conspicuously in "Mississippi to Mali." He performs a wide variety of music, from poppy selections (Santoro, eg) to raw, traditional guitar and piano blues (Honeysuckle, eg). He is one of the few contemporary blues artists that is able to avoid being either a staunch traditionalist or totally separated from its roots.