Detone is a alternative-rock band formed in izmir-turkey. Detone still make bar performances in Beri Blues Bar, Bornova. The band is working on their new songs nowadays.
Artist Type:
Detone is a alternative-rock band formed in izmir-turkey. Detone still make bar performances in Beri Blues Bar, Bornova. The band is working on their new songs nowadays.
You live in France
You mess around in lab coats with your friends and talk about how great the Melvins and Dinosaur Jr. are.
You record songs with your friends.
You move to London.
You start a band. A real band.
You have different drummers and bass players.
You have a steady line-up.
You record a demo.
You play gigs.
You record an album.
You tour.
You write more songs and hope they are better than the old ones.
You plan to tour again and record a second album.
There are two band with this name.
A black metal band from Brazil.
A rock band from Thailand.