Fleur De Lys
Get your tags right! Correct name is Les Fleur De Lys
vinyl matt
This Dying Hour
This Dying Hour formed after the end of various bands, to create a hybrid of talented musicians gathering interest in and around the Bucks county. Brandishing a 6 piece line up with strong memorable songs, This Dying Hour set out to produce a new form of metal to the maturing UK scene drawing on various influences from different genres. With three guitarists in the force, This Dying Hour are equipped to produce live music only dreamed of and create an atmosphere only explainable after seeing one of their explosive live shows.
For 10 years myoptik has been a radio presenter, dj, music journalist, producer and event promoter based in not-so-sunny Leicester. Live performance is Myoptik's natural home with appearances in all sorts of places, under all sorts of musical guises and monikers at events such as the Sonic Arts Network, Summer Sundae, Monastery Of Sound and Delia Derbyshire's old home. Myoptik is also known for his vibrant Leicester based PVC club nights which pioneered his trademark live Funkatronix sound.
telafonica incorporates both traditional (&non) song structures utilising live instruments, soundmachines and computers.
airport to clubhouse
ambient landscape & breaks
beat & & blips
the pop song lyric book is never far from hand
There are six bands called Dirge : 1. Dirge is a French band formed in 1994 in Paris, France. From the industrial metal genre that exploded in the first part of the 90s, the band slowly evolved toward a more atmospheric and progressive form of metal, related to post-metal bands such as Neurosis, Isis, and Cult of Luna. The original band members were Marc T. (guitars, programming) and Laurent P. (vocals, programming). In the industrial genre of bands like Godflesh and Pitchshifter, the duo's music was a hybrid of corrosive guitars, robotic hammerings, and scratching samples.
Tsuyama Atsushi
Tsuyama Atsushi (津山篤 - Atsushi Tsuyama) is known as the "monster bass" player in Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso UFO, but he is also an incredible guitarist and singer. Since an early age, Tsuyama Atsushi has travelled far and wide in search of different folk and indigenous musics, absorbed them and spit them back out in his own style. And on top of that, it seems like he’s got a wicked funny sense of humor.
barry cullen
Barry Cullen is an audio visual artist. Based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He releases recordings through dodgy stereo and acroplane and the3rd2nd www.acroplane.org
Leon Somov
Leon Somov has been creating music for more than 10 years. His musical carrier began in a metal band, and much later he became a member of a popular Lithuanian rock band InCulto. At present, he is studying audio engineering in SAE institute in London. A FREE Leon Somov feat. Jazzu: Offline Remixed (Sutemos021) and Leon Somov feat. Jazzu: Offline EP (Sutemos018) is available for download at Sutemos Netlabel. More info: