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Moto can refer to two bands: 1. Moto was founded in spring 2001. Some day Pawel came to me (Konrad), whom I played some time ago in Chlopiec Dwuglowy. He asked me if could we play together again. Our first rehearsals begun within few days in first Virus near the Shipyard. We - only two of us then - played long, space rock like improvisations on guitars and ancient Philicorda. Then, at home, we modified recorded tracks on computers, we added phat beats.

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There are six artists using this name
1. A German jazz/funk-percussion group active in the early 70's
2. A French duo active from the early 80's until the early 90's
3. A Ukrainian group
4. A Spanish hard rock band
5. The lead singer for defunct 70's experimental band Destroy All Monsters
6. An Italian progressive rock band (1.) The German jazz/funk-percussion group, Niagara, existing between 1971-1973.

Read more about Niagara on Last.fm.

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Singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Yeshe is a world nomad having lived in over 20 countries and embedding himself in their music and culture. His first solo album is titled World CitiZen. Born in West Germany, Yeshe was passionately interested in other cultures, especially Africa, from early childhood. As a young teenager Yeshe became involved in the flourishing 70s African music scene and by the age of 14 Yeshe was performing with a variety of percussion ensembles.

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Nitrous Oxide

Krzysztof Pretkiewicz aka N2O/Nitrous Oxide was born in Poznan, Poland in 1984. He first listened to electronic music in the early `90s. Artists such as Jean Michel Jare, Mike Oldfield and Depeche Mode were the first to make such a big impression on him that he knew this is the genre of music he loves to hear. He started creating his own music in 1998 when he discovered that tracks can be created on his PC. It became his hobby and he spent all his free time making new sounds and tracks. Krzysztof doesn`t have any musical education and he doesn't play on any instrument.

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There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Australian RAC band
2) Polish thrash metal band from Kraków
3) Swiss Heavy Metal band
4) An alias of a Dutch trance music producer Alex “Jamez” Dijksterhuis.
5) Drumnbass duo from Canada
6) Latvian blues band, formed in 1991 1) By far the best known Australian RAC band is called Fortress, which works out of Melbourne. Like most such bands, it is largely the product of a specific skinhead group, in this case the Melbourne "Southern Cross Hammer Skins". Fortress even shared a post-office box with the Hammer Skins in their early days.

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Bad Taste

There are at least 4 bands that go by the name Bad Taste Bad Taste is a band formed in Bar, Montenegro by Nemanja Bečo Bečanović. Their style varies from indie pop/rock and "Boston-influenced" alternative rock to post-rock/experimental/noise music mainly created in Nemanja's room. They released several albums, including: 24 Hours (2003), Strange Ways (2003), SubUrbia (2003), In One Bright Shiny Moment...

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Iron & Wine

Iron & Wine, otherwise known as Sam Beam, is a remarkable craftsman and deeply literate songwriter who has become one of the top selling indie artists in the US.

He has released three full-length albums, a handful of EPs and singles, plus a collaborative EP with Calexico, indeed his sound is born from that alt-country movement but is more a reflective yet life affirming folk sound. Last year he stole the show at All Tomorrow's Parties New York curated by the Flaming Lips and 2011 sees the release of a new album Kiss Each Other Clean.

‘The natural – and, frankly, wonderful – successor to the Elliott Smith and Nick Drake school of perfectly beautiful songwriting’ NME

Artist Type: 
Singer Songwriter


A delicious and addictive mix of rock, electro and pop, SpiderBaby is weaving its web from the depths of Brighton all around the world. Their debut single LoveBuzz received critical acclaim and the accompanying video has become a cult classic, sought after by a number of prestigious TV channels. Their EP "The Death of Spiderbaby" was released in 2008 and is available to purchase via iTunes. In 2009 they will be writing and recording an album which should be available towards the end of the year.

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There are at least six bands with name of Insult: 1) A Dutch Fastcore Band
2) An American Powerviolence Band
3) A Swedish Death Metal Band
4) Insult PL (metal / alternative)
5) Insult ITA (old school hc)
6) Insult (old school punk/hardcore from Folkestone UK)
______________________ 1) Insult were a Dutch hardcore punk / fastcore band that plays in the vein of Infest, Siege, and Charles Bronson but with a much more fierce attitude - mixing elements of old school hardcore punk and even death metal.

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