fiery furnaces | Musicosity

fiery furnaces

Colleen Green

Colleen Green always wears sunglasses onstage. Colleen Green is long hair and getting high. Colleen Green's first full-length for Hardly Art, Sock it to Me, is grounded in pure pop. Colleen Green's multi-tracked, emotive vocals take an enormous leap forward, evoking all-time heroes such as Rose Melberg and Tina Weymouth, with every drum-machine-tracked song awash in the dreamy slacker romanticism of California.

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Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

Lady Lamb the Beekeeper is the musical moniker of Aly Spaltro. Spaltro began her music career writing and recording songs in a DVD rental store in Brunswick, Maine, using the store as her studio after finishing her midnight shift at the cash register. She anonymously gave out free samples of her first demo CD under the name Lady Lamb The Beekeeper, and quickly gained local popularity.

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