Hip-Hop | Musicosity



There are at least 2 bands by the name “Stillwell”: The first, StillWell, previously known as Capital Q, is a street metal band featuring rapper Q-Unique, Reginald "Fieldy" Arvizu from Korn, and drummer Wuv from P.O.D. StillWell's first album, titled Dirtbag, is set to be released sometime in 2011. The album will be produced by Fieldy and Grammy Award-winning producer PolarBear, with the DVD being directed by Sébastian Paquet. The studio debut is also expected to contain contributions by other artists including Clint Lowery, Zac Baird, Mike Doling, and Sameer Bhattacharya.

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Patrick Lee

While classically trained, it's easy to see the influences of jazz, hip-hop, and electro-funk in Lee's works. Over the span of his lengthy discography - and certainly on his latest release, Twelve Tusk Piano - we hear samples of instructional videos, soul singers, classic jazz horns, and popular cartoons from our childhood - all the while, his infectious beats and clever melodies mold a soundtrack for the world around us.

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There are five artists who use this name:
1. A female rapper from the United States
2. A rock band from Korea
3. A pop trio from Japan
4. a singer from Finland
5. A visual kei band from Japan (イヴ) 1. Eve (born Eve Jihan Jeffers on November 10, 1978 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is an American rapper, singer, and actress associated with the Aftermath crew. She adopted the name Gangsta in high school as part of an all-female group called EDGP (pronounced Egypt), and eventually went solo as Eve of Destruction.

Read more about Eve on Last.fm.

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Skupinu AMO tvorí trojica ľudí, konkrétne to sú Opak, Moe a Viktor Hazard. Opak svoju hip-hopovú kariéru zahájil na prelome roku 95 a 96, kedy sa okrem inline agressive korčulovaniu venoval graffiti. Toho času plánoval kapelu so Zetorom (dnes známym DJom Yanom zo zoskupenia H16) a writerom Braom alebo Darkom (WGC, DCK). Keďže jeho pokusy zlyhali, postaral sa o zrod kapely KraKalla v prvej líni s raperom z ulice Deža -Vu. Neskôr sa pridal Blažo (dnes účinkujúci v Rendezská-SK).. Tá patrila vo svojej dobe po boku kapiel ako Názov Stavby, či Psyché k totálnej domácej hip-hopovej špičke.

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Richy Pitch

Richy Pitch first made his name back in 1996 as resident DJ at the legendary London Hip Hop club night Scratch. (Nearly 14 years and still going strong at the Big Chill House, Kings Cross, London) It was here that Richy Dj'ed alongside star guests such as Macy Gray, Eminen, The Black Eyed Peas, Mix Master Mike, De La Soul, DJ Spinna, Madlib and Mos Def. As a producer Richy is one of very few Hip Hop beat-makers from the UK to travel to the US to produce his own project.

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