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The Flower Kings

Swedish band. Formed in 1993 by veteran guitarist Roine Stolt as a touring band to support his solo album The Flower King, the band stayed together after the tour and has gone on to become one of the most prolific studio recording units in rock music of their era. In ten years it has released nearly 18 hours of music. The Flower Kings have seen frequent personnel changes. The original line-up for Stolt's solo album consisted of Stolt (vocals, electric guitar, bass, keyboards), Jamie Salazar (drums), and Hasse Fr

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There are numerous bands with the name Marathon: 1. Marathon was a melodic punk band from various parts of upstate New York, formed from the ashes of bands such as Standfast, De La Hoya, and Building On Fire. They toured the US and won fans with their sincere political lyrics and catchy melodies. In May of 2006 Marathon played their final two shows in New Brunswick, NJ and Syracuse, NY. Members of Marathon continue to write music and tour the world in bands like Attica! Attica! and Polar Bear Club.

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There are several bands using this name:
1) Galahad is one of the major names amongst the British Neo Prog scene for years. Their music blends melodic moods and with heavier parts and the strong vocals are a trademark, over an orchestrated instrumental. The medieval themes are constant on their lyrics. They have evolved to something quite a healthly new view on progressive rock. Fans of IQ, Pallas and Marillion should enjoy their music a lot.

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