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Bomb the Bass

Bomb The Bass (formed 1987, in London, England) is the umbrella title for the output of British musician and DJ, Tim Simenon. The band, which has evolved its style over the years, has been classed as or . Bomb the Bass was the creation of the British musician Tim Simenon. His first single "Beat Dis" from the album "Into The Dragon" was a number two hit in the and was one of the first songs to introduce the mainstream to sampling culture (along with songs by Paul Hardcastle, M/A/R/R/S and S'Express).

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Concord Dawn

Concord Dawn, Matt Harvey & Evan Short, are a popular duo originally from , New Zealand. They own and run Uprising Records with such popular drum and bass songs as "Don't Tell Me" in collaboration with Tiki Taane and "Get Ready" featuring rapper Scribe. They have gained popularity in their home country being the second highest selling artist ever and have been popular with 's Drum and Bass followers. Concord Dawn are with the Kog label.

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