acoustic gitars | Musicosity

acoustic gitars

Adrian Legg

Talented fingerstyle guitarist. Born May 16, 1948, in London, England;
Addresses: Home--London, England He can play many, many different genres of finger style and plectrum guitar. Impossible to categorize as a player, Adrian Legg incorporates virtually every genre on his guitar in a virtuosic instrumental style with effects. He brought electric approaches to acoustic playing, creating a modern cross-over amalgamation in the tradition of eclectic folk playing that goes back to the 1960s."
- Guitar by Richard Chapman, 2000

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Justin King

Justin King is a self-taught guitarist, renowned for his percussive solo acoustic style which mixes elements of Flamenco, Jazz, Celtic, Classical, and African music. In 2001, King released Le Bleu. Named after the road on which he lived growing up, Le Bleu dramtically expanded on his acoustic instrumental abilities; out of the nineteen tracks, only one (Ashes) features vocals. The album, though independently released, would receive critical acclaim from many who heard it , and helped to expand Justin's fanbase.

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