one fucking cool song in a werid way | Musicosity

one fucking cool song in a werid way

Justin King

Justin King is a self-taught guitarist, renowned for his percussive solo acoustic style which mixes elements of Flamenco, Jazz, Celtic, Classical, and African music. In 2001, King released Le Bleu. Named after the road on which he lived growing up, Le Bleu dramtically expanded on his acoustic instrumental abilities; out of the nineteen tracks, only one (Ashes) features vocals. The album, though independently released, would receive critical acclaim from many who heard it , and helped to expand Justin's fanbase.

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[1] Belgian pioneers of and -. Also known as The Klinik. See also Dive, Sonar, Monolith. In 1985, Verhaeghen joined forces with two other bands, Absolute Body Control (with Dirk Ivens and Eric van Wonterghem), and "The Maniacs" (Sandy Nys) to form one "super group" Absolute Controlled Clinical Maniacs. This rather unwieldy name was soon dropped in favour of the shorter name "The Klinik". Nys soon left the band to form Hybryds, followed in 1987 by van Wonterghem, leaving The Klinik as the "classic" duo of Dirk Ivens and Marc Verhaeghen.

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