self produced | Musicosity

self produced

Winter people

Winter People are a six piece hailing from Sydney, Australia. The band described their sound as "Post-Rock Folk music, blending the harmonies of the old world, with the distortions of the new. Songs of the modern wilderness". The group was formed in 2008 and recorded their debut 'The Dog Years EP' in early 2009. The band took a highly DIY approach, with songwriter Dylan Baskind recording, mixing and producing the tracks.

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Note To Self: Don't Die!

Note To Self: Don’t Die!. Claire Banfield - vocals
Gerard Rada Nedich - guitars, drums, bass, piano etc... They are a true DIY band. They record their songs themselves, design and build their own website and even sell their songs as mp3 downloads on their website. They have been compared to Blondie, PJ Harvey and The Breeders although they would say they just write songs that they like to listen to and would hate to be pigeonholed. They record their songs in Gerard's spare bedroom on a cheap Apple Mac Mini and Garageband software that came with the computer.

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