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lazy j

Lazy J - not to be confused with the other artist Lazy J on last.fm who has the album called "Still on Fire" - are a four piece band from the West Midlands. Their music is a fusion of funk, blues and rock which draws influence from a diverse range of artists such as George Clinton, Led Zeppelin, Jane's Addiction, James Brown, and Reef. Kerrang FM have played an active part in creating a surge of interest in Lazy J by giving their songs regular airplay and broadcasting interviews with the foursome, as well as voting them "Unsigned band of the year".

Artist Type: 

The Parlor Mob

The Beginning:
The band started out as What About Frank? in 2004 in Red Bank, New Jersey. During their career as What About Frank? they were twice recognized as Best Live Band at the Asbury Music Awards. They played many many shows including the CMJ Music Marathon in New York City, the Van's Warped Tour, The Great Bamboozle Festival in Asbury Park, New Jersey, and South by Southwest. Their debut self-titled release was one of the top-selling albums in local retail, and received airplay on both satellite and commercial radio.

Artist Type: