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Jules Massenet

Jules Émile Frédéric Massenet (May 12, 1842 – August 13, 1912) was a French composer from Montaud, France, who was best known for his operas. His compositions were very popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and he ranks as one of the greatest melodists of his era. Soon after his death, Massenet's style went out of fashion, and many of his operas fell into almost total oblivion. Apart from Manon and Werther, his works were rarely performed. However, since the mid-1970s, many operas of his such as Thaïs and Esclarmonde have undergone periodic revivals.

Read more about Jules Massenet on Last.fm.

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Patrick Hawes

Patrick Hawes has emerged as one of the most popular British classical contemporary composers. Born in 1958, Hawes studied at Durham University where he was an organ scholar, as well as being conductor for the university symphony orchestra and chamber choir. He then went on to work as a teacher of English and Music, before being appointed as Composer in Residence at Chaterhouse School located in near Godalming, Surrey.

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Sally Seltmann

Sally Seltmann is an award-winning songwriter and singer based in Melbourne, Australia. She has previously released albums and performed under the name 'New Buffalo', and is well known as the co-writer of the song '1234', performed by Feist. Sally now returns with Harmony to My Heartbeat, the first single from her new album, due for release in early 2010. Previous recordings by Sally as New Buffalo include her debut EP 'About Last Night', which was released in Australia (through Modular) and the UK (through Heavenly).

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