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There is more than one band going by the moniker 'Rocket': (1) Rocket (all-girl rock band): When you think of Rocket, think of driving along an L.A. beach in an open-top, bright pink Cadillac. Rocket is a revolutionary concoction of fun, parties, bubblegum and beating hearts. Coquettishness-meets-bombast, kittens-meet-rattlesnakes; Rocket is the launching pad for a new generation of pop music. The all-girl band mixes 60's girl group innocence with 70's decibel-damaging boulevard beat...

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There are at least nine "Contra's", they will all be dealt with below. 1. Contra was a hardcore/punk band from Long Island, New York. They formed around 1997/98 and at the time were Jon Berg, Steve Andolfo, Anthony Greco, and Craig Hughes. They toured a few times, released a couple of records on Traffic Violation records, and defined what hardcore and punk was about for a lot of people on Long Island for a long time.

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There are 2 entries for Harem: 1. Harem are a well known Turkish percussion group.
And also a band born in 1998 in Castel Bolognese (Ravenna - Italy), and finally gain the actual line-up in 2002. We've had a lot of local and national contests, with some good results. We've also make an exhibition at the Heineken Jammin' Festival in 2003. We've constantly played our music and covers in pubs, venues and events... everywhere in last years.

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Dan Berglund

Two Swedish musicians:
Dan Berglund is an Swedish folk singer and guitarist, born in Helsinki, Finland in 1954.
In the 70's he was affiliated with the Swedish Marxist-Leninist communist party (KPML(r)), but in '79 he turned his back on the party, comparing the Leninist view on communism with the Taliban view of Islam. He is most known for his album "En järnarbetares visor", released in 1975.

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There are two bands who go by the name of Envoys: 1. A Swedish pop/rock band from the 1960s. They enjoyed success with a number of hits in the Swedish chart, including the excellent Beatles cover 'Almarna at Folket' (Power to the People). 2. A progressive, post-metal band from Leeds in the north of England. Featuring former members of Brody and Cotheria, Envoys formed in early 2011 and released a self-titled demo in November of the same year.

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Colt 45

Colt 45 is also the name of a country band from the netherlands.
This country band from Woerden garnered acclaim playing as a support act for Buck Owens. However, they folded rather quickly (1978). The line-up included: Ries van Oostrom, Frans de Bruin , Alice and Karin May , Harry de Vroege and Henk Smit. After there splitup Alice and Karin became more famous as Maywood.

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