Black Mountain Transmitter Tags: dark ambientdroneExperimentalambientRitualritual ambientdeep ritual ambientritual ambientritual dark ambientnoisedrone ambientghost ambientritual industrialindustrialhorroroccultDrone Dark Ambienta journeyworlddarker than the deepest seadarker my lovedark space ambientelectronicoccult dark ambientdeep journeyand it were as though i was lost in the twilight of an infinite moor in the depths of winterunder 2000 listenersDark Cold Ambientritual relaxingdark ambient of lonelinesssoft soundscapedark dreams us devourbruyckere radiosoundscapeAlternativeelectronicaIsolationismdark soundscapeOccult Ambientdark beautyDark Ritualdark lightdesolationInfinityInto the Nightdark ethereal ambientdark atmospheredark dronedark drone ambientDark ritual ambientritual tranceLink: LastFmArtist Type: