group vocals | Musicosity

group vocals


Athens, GA's breakout sexy groove machine Imagine you take a giant stuffed panda bear and you animate it using sparkling ultraviolet ray pulses. You also take Big Bird. You put them in a room to fight to the death with marshmallow swords. But then you realize that there is no such thing as death and so really they're just hitting each other, and every time they hit each other rainbows bounce off the walls and little morsels of marshmallow blast off.

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Royal Canoe

Royal Canoe is a group of musicians on a mission to construct ambitious, inventive music. The songs are thick with catchiness, rich in rhythm and are consistently pushing against the boundaries of pop music. They spend almost every day in a shit-hole rehearsal space writing hooks, singing through effects pedals, scrawling lyrics on scraps of paper, and constructing heavy beats in odd time signatures. They create samples by running conventional sounds through unconventional pieces of gear, drumming on bathtubs and garbage cans, listening to Big Boi and manipulating bits of old records.

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Phillip Phillips

Phillip Phillips (born September 20, 1990 in Leesburg, Georgia) is an American singer and winner of American Idol season 11. Phillips grew up in Leesburg, Georgia and went to Lee County High School. He graduated Albany Technical College, but had to miss the graduation ceremony due to being on American Idol. Phillips auditioned for American Idol in Savannah, Georgia. He auditioned by singing the Stevie Wonder song "Superstition.

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