three word name | Musicosity

three word name

Big Heavy Stuff

Big Heavy Stuff is a Sydney-based Australian band with a unique style, blending edgy guitars and a pounding rhythm section with songwriter Greg Atkinson's exceptional sense of melody. Their harder edge, evident on their breakthrough "Maximum Sincere" album of 1997, has mellowed somewhat on more recent releases, without detracting from their trademark emotional intensity. They are known for recent works including their latest albums "Size of the Ocean" and "Dear Friends and Enemies", the latter of which was written at a time of political contemplation in Australia...

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Ravens & Chimes

Grown from the halls of NYU, in the midst of one of New York City's harshest winters, Ravens & Chimes debut album, Reichenbach Falls, introduces a youthful, optimistic lightness in the form of a record packed with a series of eclectic and ear-grabbing tunes. Perhaps influenced by many a dark, snowy night in that winter of 2005, Ravens & Chimes dig out a catchy set of instrumentally-charged melodies that show their developed blend of unconventional sound. CMJ called Ravens & Chimes "beautiful" and "unique" evoking comparisons at times to either Wolf Parade or Voxtrot.

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Plastic Palace Alice

PLASTIC PALACE ALICE hails from Melbourne, Australia. A clue to the eccentric tastes found within lies in the band's choice of name, a reference to a character in a song by the king of existential, heavily orchestrated pop, Mr Scott Walker. Not wanting to place limits on the band's musical palette, Plastic Palace Alice borrows elements from diverse musics: Brechtian cabaret, Phil Spector, garage rock, 60's psychedelic pop and 80's inspired goth melodrama are all found on the band's musical radar.

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Dead Letter Chorus

Upon your first listen to the arousing indie-folk style of Dead Letter Chorus, you too will feel whisked away from the confines of the everyday. Their debut EP ‘Listen Carefully (we shall say this only once)’ is due for release on 7th July through CodeOne/MGM. Recorded over just one rainy day, this EP is both reflective of the bands live dramatic energy and their more intimate, introspective side. The beauty of this raw recording is that all subtleties and inflections are picked up. The result: a strangely captivating recording by a group of artists who are on the cusp of stardom.

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