FUCKING RAD | Musicosity


Abbe May

Abbe May is a rock singer-songwriter from Perth, Australia. Known for her an extraordinary voice - a stirring howl borne on the melancholic balladry of a grieving heart. As confrontational as it is vulnerable, her characteristically anguished howl and moan conceals an undercurrent of hot-blooded intensity within the poetry and grunge-fuelled candour of her music and band The Rockin' Pneumonia (consisting of: Abbe May (Vocals, Guitar, Ukelele), K.T Rumble (Lead Guitar), Rodeo Stone (Bass), Pickett (Drums, Vocals)).

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Company Fuck

Company Fuck is a one-man noisecore karaoke explosion. CxFx works in his own distinctive sonic territory combining extreme vocal improvisation, digital noise, hacked electronics, and deliberate musical homage/parody. With no allegiance to one sound or scene, CxFx simultaneously plunders pirated pop music whilst also blowing apart the formulas of so-called 'underground' genres. CxFx often sounds like one man conjuring a million artists together for a bloody entangled mess of manic audio intercourse and copyright infringement. Nobody is safe from the CxFx treatment.

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