trance artists | Musicosity

trance artists

Yoji Biomehanika

Yoji Biomehanika, can only be described as the Japanese Lord of NRG or Nu-NRG Master, and Japan's No 1. NRG DJ overseas. In the evolution of the electronic music world, Super Star DJs from around the globe have replaced the persona of the rock star for many music fans, and have become the driving force in building the image of our industry.

Having already achieved rock star status in his country of Japan, Yoji smashes all the rules in the book and puts vitality back into the dance scene...

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There is more than one artist under the name of Signum 1. Signum from Netherlands
2. Signum from Serbia
3. SignuM from Lithuania (rock band) Signum is the combination of two talented producers in the European music industry. They are Pascal Minnaard, (age 29) and Ronald Hagen (also age 29). Both live in Zoetermeer, a little city nearby Hague, their home base in Netherlands. Pascal & Ron first met each other in high school.

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Alex M.O.R.P.H.

With gigs all over the globe and an impressive array of highly respected productions, Alex M.O.R.P.H. is one of today’s most wanted producers/remixers in the uplifting trance genre. He made over 70 Remixes for fellow artists and released more than 20 own productions as well as big collaborations, which all found their way into the record boxes of the worlds’ top jocks.
He always tries to show his versatility in multiple aspects, including a well-known radioshow (HeavensGate on Air) and a solo artist debut album. He also teams up with Woody van Eyden to perform legendary Back2Back sets.

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Artento Divini

Artento Divini started spinning the wheels of steel at the age of 19. Within a short while he was spinning at his own parties. It didn't take long before he got in contact with the owner of the Scala Dance Theatre (Netherlands) where he became resident DJ. Artento performed besides great names like: Marco V, Bas & Ram and Hennes & Cold. The Friday nights became so successful and Divini's name was set.

Read more about Artento Divini on

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