Cal Roberts
Cal Roberts is an acoustic singer songwriter from North Wales. Just a guitar and a a load of social observations. Have a listen.
Cal Roberts is an acoustic singer songwriter from North Wales. Just a guitar and a a load of social observations. Have a listen.
Dreams needed to be followed and passions expressed so 2009 gave rise to Modern Alarms
Now with a solid line up the band are producing intense, exciting, groove driven tunes that to experience live gives a true sense you're immersed in something special that very rarely comes around in music.
Confident and engaging and with ambition bigger than comprehension their ability to create music that evokes emotion in their audience is there for all to see. Born from a true respect of music and a desire to give their audience and themselves a reprieve from the daily grind.
With hooks so sharp you’d cut your fingers, Jetglo make songs that get stuck in your head, you want to sing along to, you want to buy them in the shops and crank them up on your stereo, turn up your ipod to full volume and listen to over and over again. It’s just 4 guys playing songs simply but perfectly. Jetglo fans have quoted the band as – “Like A Sledgehammer in the face” and – “Not boring like the other bands, they make me want to go out and kick some windows in”