lithuania | Musicosity



1. Three music junkies meet up in underground club "Stereo45" to have some drinks in 2005. One of them is panning to beat another, cos he's paying too much attention to his girlfriend. 2. Boys have to much vodka and decide to go to decks, while DJ is in WC and hack them. DJ's back, three stooges are spinning their own records without mixing them properly. 3. They call themselves "Nesakyk Mamai!" (eng. Don't Tell Ya Mom) and play riot music to dance to. Some dancers manage to make out or fade out. No casualties. Few babies born comming year.

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ASTA is the winner of Triple J's 2012 Unearthed High competition.
I sing, I write, I hum, I tap. I pretty much love all genres of music.
Song writing is a huge part of my life as it releases so much emotion and is actually so fun to do. I love it when the audience feels like a big wide ocean, and they're peacefully sitting there in silence. I love making people feel emotion through song and taking them with me through the journey. I enjoy taking on other peoples stories and creating something universal that other’s can relate to. I hope you get a kick out of my music the way I do !

Read more about Asta on

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Liudni Slibinai

LIŪDNI SLIBINAI - Šviežiai sukompiliuotas Lietuvos Muzikos ir Teatro akademijos studentų-aktorių darinys pasižymintis lyties, ūgio bei muzikinių nuotaikų įvairove. Slibinai: Slibinų SMEGENYS- VAIDAS KUBLINSKAS (gitara ir vokalas)-Nuolat filosofiškai kamšo egzistencines skyles ir rūpinasi „grupės“ meninine bei išliekamaja verte. Neapdovanotas humoro jausmu, todėl visuomet yra juokingas. Slibinų ŠIRDIS- AISTĖ LASYTĖ (klavišai ir vokalas).

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Linas Adomaitis

'Linas Adomaitis - Lithuanian singer, was born on April 10, 1976 to a family of a professional violinist. He attended music school from early age and now holds master's degree from Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater. Linas started his music career in 1995 with quartet called L+. The band played in R&B style. They released four albums before adjourning in 2000. Linas then started solo career. Discography
* L+ "Pasilik" 1997 m.
* L+ "Lauko vidury" 1998 m.

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