ken vandermark | Musicosity

ken vandermark

Lean Left

Lean Left is a free jazz band. Terrie Hessels and Andy Moor, guitars; Paal Nilssen-Love on drums, Ken Vandermark plays tenor sax and Bb clarinet They play completely improvised music that combines the freer elements of the Ex with the thorough communication developed in the years that Nilssen-Love and Vandermark have worked together; everything put into a hard edged groove kaleidoscope.

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Side A

1. Side A is a (free) jazz trio, featuring reed player Ken Vandermark (US), pianist Havard Wiik (NOR) and drummer Chad Taylor (US). Their debut album - A New Margin - appeared in 2011 2. Side A are also a multi-awarded, platinum-certified band from the Philippines, best known for their romantic ballad Forevermore. The band formed in 1985, and performed at the Calesa Music Bar and Lounge at the Hyatt Regency, Pasay City between 1986 and 1989. In 1987 they recorded their first song, Eva Marie (written by Joey Benin) and in 1989 they recorded their first self-titled album.

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